
I’m Sarah. Mom of 3, wife, tech marketer, and passionate about holistic wellness. Join me as we support our families naturally and reclaim the joy of motherhood.

Pancake dilemma

These pancakes were my first attempt at making Tangerine's buckwheat blueberry pancakes with sliced bananas and yogurt. On the menu, they also have coconut pancakes with ginger syrup, so eventually I'd like to combine all of these elements for a buckwheat blueberry coconut pancake with ginger syrup.

When I got up in the morning, though, I also really wanted to try making cornmeal pancakes. I have been craving some good cornmeal pancakes for so long! So I thought, why not use half buckwheat flour and half cornmeal? Well... I'm pretty sure that next time I should just make up my mind and go with one flavor experience, because there is definitely some room for improvement with this stack.

The good:
Flavor wise, they were actually pretty great. I layered them with some mashed banana and there was maple syrup in the batter, so they had the perfect amount of sweetness.
They were quite moist even without maple syrup poured over the top. The blueberry sauce, Greek yogurt, and mashed bananas were all I needed for condiments.

The bad:
The cornmeal and buckwheat were battling ferociously for dominance the whole time I was eating these. The buckwheat desperately wanted to showcase its nutty aroma and smooth texture, while the cornmeal wanted me to top it with honey and cranberry relish and experience its awesome graininess. I really couldn't convince them to be friends, and I was sorry to have made them so uncomfortable.

I wasn't going to post the recipe, because I like for you readers to have something you can go and make without fear. But then I realized, when I started this blog I invited you all on this journey with me. Therefore, it would be only fair for me to tell you what I did and ask for the best feedback you can provide. I will be experimenting much more with these, and it's a shared experience! So don't go and make these and expect them to be amazing. Because they're not. Tell me what you think would make them great. I think the first step is to (a) choose whether I want to have cornmeal pancakes or buckwheat pancakes for breakfast, then (b) replace the other half of the flour with spelt or whole wheat so the other guy can show off to the best of his ability.

Here's a rough outline of the recipe:
(serves 1)

1/4 cup buckwheat flour
1/4 cup cornmeal
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp chia seeds
1 Tbsp protein powder of choice
1/2 to 3/4 cup almond milk
2 tsp maple syrup
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Combine all ingredients and let settle while the pan heats up. The chia seeds will start to gel and make the batter a little thicker. If the consistency is not as thin or thick as you like, add more milk or flour as necessary. Make sure to spray the pan before cooking each pancake- they take about 2 minutes per side, over medium to medium low heat.
Top each pancake (except the last one) with mashed banana as you stack them. Pour thawed frozen blueberries over the pile and serve with a dollop of Greek yogurt.

Granola Girl
